Saturday, August 2, 2008


Holy Fire
How you can keep it burning in you

Welcome to the Sudden Fire Impact
I hope everyone who reads these devotions will be blessed & have a life changing & a God encounter by them. You know as well as I do that today’s’ world is full of technology & can’t wait to see what comes out next! Well I’ll tell ya something. The devil trys to make us busy with the technology (Internet, TV, ECT) to keep us all soo focused on doing this & doing that. But the technology is good too if you know how to limit it to a point to where u can still have time for God. I’ve been there where all I do is be busy with this & that, that I just didn’t have time for God anymore! A Real Shocker there people!
SO the solution is to unbusy your world or lifestyle & make time for God. Im not just talking about leaving Sundays open for that’s my time with God. It should be daily that we spend time with him so start looking at your schedules & make time!
To keep a fire burning u must continue to fuel it. Keep the focus on God. If u have to rearrange ur lifestyle or schedule so u will have that focus.
Here are some fuel for the fire:

Flame Fuel : Read the word daily
Matt: 4:4 (Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: "It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth.”). You have to feed your spirit just like u eat when you are hungry. If you don’t eat eventually you will slowly but surely die. That is the same thing if u don’t feed your spirit the word of God. To feed your spirit all you have to do is read the word of God & study it too. Besides going to church & sitting there for one hour or what ever time length the service is.

Flame Fuel : Have your own worship
Go in your room turn off the lights or if you have a dimmer like me dim the lights in the room & put on worship music & go into the presents of God.
Ps 29:2 (2Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness or in holy array. )
John 4:23-24 (23-24"It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration." )
God made us to worship him. It has always been in us & we can’t get away from it. Worship is just part of us. We can’t remove it or replace it. Its just who we are as Christians & part of the body of Christ. But when we sing songs sometimes we don’t really really mean when we are singing. So we got to sing it like we really mean it. Be true & pure in worship. If u don’t mean what u sing don’t sing it @ all.

Flame Fuel : If u are called to a specific ministry get involved in that ministry at your church. If not pray & seek God’s face & see if God wants u to start it in your church
1Cor 12:8-11 (4-11God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful:
Wise counsel / clear understanding / simple trust / healing the sick miraculous acts / proclamation / distinguishing between spirits / tongues / interpretation of tongues.
All these gifts have a common origin, but are handed out one by one by the one Spirit of God. He decides who gets what, and when. )
Some might be called in the arts ministry in the church. What I mean by that is this : Dancing , Singing , Drama , Bannering or Flag ministry , Twirling flags which would be part of the bannering or flag ministry also included in this ministry would be streamers too & painting. Some might be called to lead a bible study for young people or to be a youth leader. Some to the intercession prayer. Everyone has a gift that will glorify God. Some don’t know they have it – for those folks I would say just pray & God will show u what your calling is if it is in his WILL.

Flame Fuel : Pray
Matt 6:6 (But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.)

Prov 15:29 (God keeps his distance from the wicked; he closely attends to the prayers of God-loyal people.)

Jude 1:20-21 (But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life! )
Prayer can strength ur faith as well as ur fire for God. Let me explain :
Lets say that u are praying & God shows u this totally awesome awesome vision or tells u something that is totally COOL then u would what to press in more & more & more!!!!!!
If u had a God encounter or went to a conference or acquire the fire then u will what to change ur lifestyle or ur schedules so u can have time with God But never lose that hunger & passion for GOD!!!!