Monday, December 8, 2008

Faith vs. Doubt Battles out

Welcome to Sudden Fire Impact. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving & hope you are going to have a great christmas ! Sorry that i haven't been postin the monthly devotionals i just was going through somethings . Well lets find out which one wins

Battling between having faith & doubting in different situations or in hard times in your life when things seen to not get answered, fixed, and shown to you what’s happening in your life for this or that reason. To some this is easy as ABC to others it might be very hard or it may vary by situations in a person’s life.
Times when we don’t get answers from God sometimes the devil brings in fear & worry when u don’t even have to fear or worry about the situation or problem that God has either told u the solution ( what he’s going to do) too or God has a bright ending for that problem or situation but didn’t tell u yet.
If u are thinking believing that u are gonna get something from God but don’t have the faith that u are gonna one day get it u are living out James 2:26 , James 2:17. If this is kinda confusing just look @ James 2:20-22 , James 2:14-17.
With Faith nothing is impossible! But with doubting everything is soooo limited to what u can actually do! Surprising isn’t it?!?!?!

In the scriptures faith is mentioned 402 times in the Bible more than the word doubt. Do u what to know why? Yeah. Well glad to hear that. Its cause God what’s u to grow up spiritually knowing that U CAN do this & that because of your faith in him!!! Do I hear an amen in the house?
Faith - trusting commitment of one person to another, particularly of a person to God. Or look @ Hebrews 11:1 tells u what faith is. Hebrews 11:1 ( 1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.) .
Faith - Trusting commitment of one person to another, particularly of a person to God. heb 11:1
One thing I can tell u right now is that faith can build you up spiritually & all so by praying in the holy spirit. but doubt is another thing. What Doubt does to u is this the more u doubt the more u worry the more it debuilds ( means to un build what has been already built) your spiritual faith in God!!! Jude 1:20 We all have to go through different things & suffer under different circumstance but if we stand firm in faith we know that we know that we will make it out ok! 1peter 5:9.Now turn your bibles to 1 Peter 1:5. Once we became born again God is protecting us intill the coming of Christ! Now this is one of the things that is included when you get born again. Later I’ll give u a list of what u get when u accepted Gods gift.
Now if someone is sick or has something wrong with them all they got to do is pray a believing-prayer & proclaim & declare to the Lord that he / she is healed. God said that he WILL restore the them. God can’t lie because he is perfect! When he says it he means it too!!! Isn’t that awesome or what?!?!? Just look at Jesus that when he healed the blind yes he had the power but he also had to have the faith to heal the blind! See Faith & power have to be combined into one! Just look at James 2:22.
Here is some Examples of people in the bible that had faith & trusted God & the outcome of it all. :
Hebrews 11:4 -5 Hebrews 11:7-12 Hebrews 11:17-31
Here’s the two keys to all of their outcome :
Hebrews 11:6 & James 2:17
This next scripture kinda falls under 1 peter 1:5. God is God! He is perfect in all he does & there isn’t one fault thing at all. He is all ways faithful & with that been said he is going to stay true to the words that he wrote! He will protect you from the devil & strengthen you too! That’s kinda like a bonus that u didn’t know intill u have read 2 Thessalonians 3:3!!!!
God does equip us with the right type of tools for all different situations!!! Just look at Eph 6:16 . Even tho like in the last scripture God told us that he would protect us from evil but get this not only does he do that he also equips us with the shield of faith to duck under then we are getting attacked left & right ! He does let the devil do whatever he wants BUT he has to have it approved BY GOD be for he can go & do it . Let switch the view here for just a second. What God approves of that the devil can do is simply just tests for us!!! Plus here’s another scripture to back that up : God doesn’t give us anything we cant handle! Amen!?!?!
If u look at this scripture Eph 4:5 a little differently u will see the trinity :
There is one Lord one faith one baptism
God (Jesus) – came down to die so that we will be the salvation to be able to have the faith The holy Spirit !
Isn’t that awesome or what?
Before Jesus came down to earth to give us the gift of salvation that gives us the faith to believe in him & to go to God . If a person would think they had the boldness & the confidence to go into the presence of God & when they would get in there God would strike them dead!!! But now what Christ did what he did we now have the boldness & the Confidence to go to God! Like it says in Eph 3:12.
The blessing that the scripture is talking about is when God declares the gentiles ( that’s us) to be righteous because of their faith. Isn’t that cool or what!!! In Gal 3:9. I love is next scripture cause I think its our motto don’t u? 2 Cor 5:7 For we live by believing and not by seeing. Or if its not then lets make it ours!!!
if u are righteous by God & it is through faith by Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter who u are( green, pink , blue , short , tall etc) as long as u are believing . Rom 3:22
Here is an example of faith in action:
Luke 17:6 / Mark 10:52 / Matt 17:20
Here is cause & effect of being faithful:
Here is the list I was talking about earlier on . This is the list of things will you will have access to by faith:
1. Righteous through faith
2. Healing through faith
3. Justified through faith
4. Sons & Daughters of God through faith
5. By grace that u were saved through faith
6. Approach God with freedom and confidence through faith
7. Shielded by God's power through faith
8. Conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised through faith
9. Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
10. Receive what we ask for in prayer through faith
11. blessed through faith

Doubt – to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe. / to fear; be apprehensive about./ To tend to disbelieve; distrust/ worry & stress about something. Doubting is the opposite of faith.
If u ask in faith but start to doubt lets say about hearing from God about this problem & u are thinking u are hearing Gods voice & its either your own voice or the devils voice u are going to start to tossed over here & there & then u will be soo confused & u will be tossed around like a stick in the ocean that keeps blowing it this way & that way. Here’s what u do if u start to doubt u start to declare & proclaim what u are asking for & u pull down whatever is causing u to be tossed around in the ocean. James 1:6
Here is another cause & effect:
Romans 14:23
Here is an example of what we shouldn’t be like in our faith:
John 20:27
Here Jesus is saying if u have faith &here’s the big key word DON”T DOUBT u can move mountains!! Plus when u speak the words (move aside mountain in the name of the lord) it has to obey & move!!!! Plus Jesus also said that u will get what u pray for if u don’t doubt! Matt 21:20-22
Here is a list of things that come with doubting that can limit u to your ability :
1. U can’t do what God has told u what u can do through doubt - matt 21:21
2. Condemnation comes through doubt – Rom 14:23
3. U will not receive anything u ask for in prayer from God through doubt – James 1:5-7
4. through doubt comes fear
5. through doubt comes worry