Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prayer - How Effective Is It?

We all learned how to pray when we were all little & growing up with the essence of prayer as a lifestyle. Prayer is a very powerful tool that God gives to us to use day in and day out! But have you ever wondered have I seen or felt the effects of prayer??

Today I will show you the 6 Effects of prayer! Praise God! Well lets get started.

The Effects Of Prayer

1. Life Changing

Through prayer God can show you what is to come later down the road. Also God can forewarn you about something that hasn’t yet happened that u need to know about to be prepared!! He can reveal things to you that you need to change about yourself. God can show you gifts & talents that he is going to give you.

1 Cor 2:10 1Sam 10:6 Philippians 4:6

2. Power

Healing can come by prayer if you have the faith & believe that god is going to heal that person or you. But in order to receive the healing you 1st have to believe that God is going to heal you. – faith without believing is dead.

Pro 12:18 Pro15:4 Luke 6:19 Acts 10:37-38

3. Heavenly Action

By prayer you can dispatch angels to situations. When you are praying heaven is in action motion. Heaven & the angles are on stand-by intill you start to pray! You call God ( pray) God Hears God answers ( in his time).

Deu 32:30

4. Spiritual Warfare

You can make the devil flee from you all you have to do is start to pray! Proclaim, Declare Gods word over the city & dispatch warrior angels to protect people , cities & churches. By doing this the devil has to flee from wherever you are proclaiming ,Declaring Gods word over. Especially when you pled the blood of Jesus over anything! He (the Devil) has to flee from it!

Deut 32:3 1Chro 16:23 Ps 19:1 PS 68:34 Luke 12:3 Acts 20:27

5. Intercession

A lot of ground is covered by intercession from praying for the US President –US Government – City- City’s Councils – Church’s Pastors – Leaders of the church- young people –etc. On thing about intercession that I find is interested is that you can intercede on someone’s behalf! You can actually do warfare in intercession & dispatch warrior angels & all that good stuff! Prayer is soo powerful that it can change lives , cities, states & nations!!!

1 Tim 2:1-3 Philippians 4:6 Eph 6:18 Mark 9:25-29

Prayer is like sweet smelling incense to God! The more prayer goes up to heaven about someone or something the more God is going to notice it.

Matt 21:22 James 5:15-16 Matt 18:19-20

6. Presence Of God

After a while you will fell the presence of God & the peaceful atmosphere. You wouldn’t want to leave that atmosphere so peaceful & filled with the presence of God that you would just stay in that atmosphere & soak in Gods presences! Even more so you might see Gods glory come down into this atmosphere!

Matt 18:20 Ps 41:12 Nahum 1:5 Ex 33:14 Ex 40:34 Ps 3:3 Ps 63:2 Ps 97:6

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Righteous Life

I hope each & everyone of u had a blessed week! Im so glad u can join us today on Sudden Fire Impact. So be blessed & lets dive into Gods word & find out what he says about the Righteous life!

One of the things we would have to do on a regular bases is to ask God : Do u what me to go see this movie or can I buy this game or top etc.

Ask God before u go & do it.

Usually we would just go & ask our parents or (if ur an adult go & do it) & completely forgetting about asking God at all!!! Cause we're thinking the only person or people I have to ask are my parents ( again if u are an adult then u are free to make decsisions). But u got to realize that God whats to be in ur life just like ur parents or friends are. He wants to be there to help u when u are making a decision or decisions. God also wants to give u wisdom & guidance in all decisions cause he knows all things. If we obey what God tells us anything from a decision: a heads up or a fore warning then only then are we living a rightous life.

Have u ever wondered what righteous really means?

What is righteous? Well i gald u asked. Here is what I believe righteous is = Righteous - right w/ God, Sinless, gulit free.